EABA is so happy that we finally have the green light to get back on the diamonds. We can currently only hold practices as of June 1st, but it is a start and we will take it!

Now that we can move ahead with the season, We have a few housekeeping items to move forward with.


EABA 2021 Season Interest Survey

Thank you to those that took the time to complete the survey that was recently sent out. The survey reslults indicate that over 84% of our membership want to play ball beyond the month of June. So we will be moving forward with an extended season. This means our “A” level community teams from Blastball to 18U will play a season that runs through June and July. Our “AA” rep. teams will have seasons that run from June until mid/end of August. We will know exact dates once schedules are out. Coaches have been contacted so you should hear from them soon with practice and game plans once allowed.

Registration Fees

Registration fees are being accepted online starting June 1st and will need to be paid prior to June 10th. This will help us continue with planning the season. Please be prompt with payment. Jersey cheques ($150 postdated to August 1st) and Volunteer Cheques ($200 postdated Aug 1st) will now be due as well. These MUST be provided prior, or brought to, Jersey pick up day. We cannot provide your player’s jersey without receiving these cheques. Please have the deposit cheques made out to Edmonton Amateur Baseball Association. Jersey cheques do not apply to Blastball or Rally Cap players. Volunteer cheques are also not required for Blastball players.


Return to Train information

Baseball Alberta has updated the Return to Baseball Plan. Click Here or visit baseballalberta.com to familiarize yourself with the new restrictions. The update is in line with the provincial update on May 26 which will enable teams to return to modified practices (10-participant groups) under the limited group physical activities allowed beginning Tuesday, June 1.

Although the structure will be very similar to what we were working with prior to the pause, there are a number of guidelines to be followed under stage 1 of Alberta’s Open for Summer plan.  Please familiarize yourself with the Return to Baseball Plan and visit the Baseball Alberta webpage where most questions will be answered.  It is critical that each family have a clear understanding of the guidelines and expectations of each stage as we move toward greatly reduced or removed restrictions over the next number of weeks.

A major area of focus will be on waivers and contact tracing logs (all outlined in the Return to Baseball Plan).  All participants (coaches & players) must sign:

  • Return to Baseball Questionnaire and Attestation
  • Waiver / Acknowledgement of Risk (17 & Under) to be signed by parent or legal guardian
  • Waiver / Acknowledgement of Risk (18 & Older) to be signed by player or coach
  • Individual Contact Tracing Log – to be completed within 4 hours of start of session (via TeamSnap) More info about this will be provided by coaches,


Association Contact Tracing Log – to be completed by responsible adult for each session (NOTE: this means a check-in log must be kept at each session during stage 1 activities)Associations must collect and store all forms as well as track all individual and group sessions using the Contact Tracing Logs. (we will have this information tracked via TeamSnap schedules and health checks but the teams will also be responsible for maintaining their check-in logs for each session – Players or coaches who do not complete the waivers or health checks via TeamSnap will not be permitted to take part.  Waiver forms will be made available to players and coaches by their teams (waiver forms may be found in the Media/Files area of TeamSnap and should be completed and turned in at the team level). Coaches will be able to provide more info on TeamSnap.Plans are underway at Baseball Alberta for scheduling league games and teams have started to receive communications from the Baseball Alberta office.  Stage 2 is when that could begin and the target continues to be Saturday, June 12, as we had hoped.

We look forward to a Safe and fun Season!!

EABA Executives