Pitching & Catching Clinics
EABA November 2024 Pitching & Catching Clinics
Pitching and catching are the most specialized positions on any baseball team and learning the positions requires specialized instruction. EABA will host combined pitching and catching clinics to provide detailed instruction for aspiring and established pitchers and catchers.
The camp will be designed and led by EABA’s Technical Director, Keno Magano, with support from other experienced coaches from the Edmonton area. Players will receive elite instruction, quality repetitions and feedback aligned with their current skill set and level of advancement. Most importantly, players will be part of a team, participating and contributing to a positive, development-first culture where all are encouraged to push themselves to their next skill level regardless of their starting point.
Clinics will be held for two age ranges as summarized below. Players will be able to select a focus of either pitching or catching when registering.
11U-13U Clinic
Age Range: Players with birth years from 2012 - 2015
Schedule: Saturday - November 2, 9, 16, 23
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Total Hours of Instruction: 6 hours
Cost: $125
15U-18U Clinic
Age Range: Players with birth years from 2006 - 2011
Schedule: Saturdays - November 2, 9, 16, 23
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Total Hours of Instruction: 6 hours
Cost: $125
All sessions will be hosted at Turf Training Centre’s large new indoor facility, TTC 4 (Fields H and I; 150’ x 90’) located at 1030 – 34 Ave, Nisku, approximately 5 km south of Ellerslie Road.
Target Participants
All players aged 11U – 18U interested in receiving specialized instruction on pitching and catching are encouraged to register, regardless of skill level or experience. Instruction will be provided to enable effective skill advancement at all levels. Players will be challenged and provided instruction to match their experience and abilities.
Learning Outcomes
Pitching participants will learn and practice:
- Pitching mindset, objectives and approach
- Warm-ups and throwing progressions
- Body positioning and mechanics for full and stretch wind-ups
- Pitch design and secondary pitches (age dependent)
- Pitcher defence
- Arm care and strengthening exercises
- Strength and conditioning
Catching participants will learn and practice:
- Catching mindset and objectives
- Body positioning
- Receiving and framing
- Blocking
- Signalling pitches (age dependent)
- Footwork/throwing to bases for steals, bunts, pick-offs
- Strength and conditioning
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can players register for both the pitching and catching components of the clinic?
A: At the 15U and 18U levels, preference will be for players to pick one area of focus. That clinic will be tailored to a higher level of specialization and it will be impractical to do both. There will be more flexibility at the 11U and 13U levels. Although a focus on one or the other is preferred, it will be easier to provide more variation for those who are intent on learning the very basics of each position.
Q: Can over-age 18U players register for the clinic?
A: Yes, the camp will be open to all eligible 11U-18U players, including over-age players.
Q: Can underage players register for the clinic?
A: The 11U/13U clinic is designed for players who will be in the 11U/13U divisions in the 2025 season. Since player pitching is not part of the game at the 9U or younger levels they will not be considered for the clinic as to leave space for age appropriate players.
Q: Can I register for a portion of the sessions if I know my player will be unable to attend all sessions?
A: Unfortunately, we are unable to provide pricing for partial clinic registrations. Attendance at each session is not mandatory but the clinic will be designed for a full allotment of 6 instructional hours.
Q: What equipment is required?
A: All players will require indoor shoes, athletic attire (including a protective cup) and a glove. If needed, EABA will provide catcher equipment for players. Please be sure to note this within the registration process.
Q: Can I register a player for the clinic even though they were not registered with EABA this past season?
A: Definitely. All players are welcome to register and participate in EABA run camps and clinics.
Space is limited.