Angels Apparel


EABA Angels Apparel is Back!

Help show your EABA support with Angels apparel.

View the catalogue and place your order here.

OrdersĀ  take 4-5 weeks from date of product being order. Hats are 6-7 weeks.

To save on shipping costs, an EABA representative will connect with you directly to plan a pick-up or drop-off of your items once they are available. You will be contacted when the order arrives and provided next steps for receiving your items. Please select "Pick Up" for this option when submitting your order.

If you wish to have your items delivered to you directly, please select
"Ship to Address". Please note that additional shipping fees will apply.

Please put "N/A" for Team Division, if you are ordering during the off season or do not have an affiliation to a specific team.
