2021 Season Registration

EABA is hopeful, and working towards developing a 2021 Baseball Season. We will continue to put plans in place while following the AHS and Baseball Alberta guidelines. Registration will open on January 25th for the 2021 Regular Baseball season, but the process will be a bit different than in past years. EABA has decided that the initial Registration fees will not need to be paid at time of Registration. Instead, we would love for everyone to register as soon as possible so we can get numbers for the 2021 Season and then we will notify you about fees and further details once we know the 2021 Season is a go.

All players must register on-line and players who are selected to play on a AA or AAA team will pay the additional AA/AAA fee at that time.

You must have a current Community League Membership from your home Community League prior to registering.
If you don’t have one, you can purchase one online at: https://efcl.org/membership

All players are required to be registered on-line and to have paid prior to tryouts.


You MUST attend an in-person registration before your childs’ registration is complete.  You will need to provide your Community League Membership Card, sign up for your volunteer shift (and leave a $300.00 deposit cheque) and if you did not pay online, you can pay at the in-person.

An in-person registration date with be planned at the EABA Office, 9824A 44 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 5E5.

In-Person Registration Dates for 2021: TBA

First time players require proof of age – birth certificate or Alberta Health Care Card.


Registration Fees


Volunteer, raffle and uniform deposits required.

Division Birth Year Registration Fee*
'AA' Fees
Game Days
11U (Mosquito)
Weekend Games
13U (Pee Wee)
Weekend Games
15U (Bantam)
Weekend Games
18U (Midget)
Weekend Games
*Registration fees are due at time of registration. **'AA' fees & Cash calls will be collected once 'AA' teams have been formed.

Players registering for Mosquito/Peewee/Bantam/Midget are expected to attend Try out sessions.

A $50 Non-Refundable AA Try out fee is collected at Try outs per player. Must attend Try outs to be considered for any AA team. See all Try out dates under the AA tab .Players must be registered prior to Try outs.

For AAA info and try out dates, please visit http://nezsports.com/baseball/baseball-program/ . Try outs Start early March for AAA Teams. $100 Non Refundable Try out fee is required for AAA Try outs.

Because EABA does not offer a AAA program, Players must Try out with the Padres for AAA before trying out for any other Organization.


Volunteer Commitment
Parents of all players are required to sign up for 1 volunteer shift per player – bingo, tournament shift, diamond clean-up, etc.
Volunteer dates will be available prior to the start of the season.
A $300.00 volunteer commitment cheque dated the date of your volunteer shift is required.


The EABA Angels Baseball Program supports all policies and guidelines set out by Baseball Alberta for any player transfers or player movement. Please visit the Baseball Alberta website for any clarity on transfer rules.

If your player is trying out for a AA or AAA team and is successful, a top-off payment will be required at the first team meeting.


Respect in Sport

All families must participate in the Respect in Sport program.
Please click here and follow the instructions to register for and complete the program.
You must have a certificate number prior to the first meeting with your team the end of April.


Financial Assistance

We accept applications from KIDSPORT & Jumpstart in Edmonton.

Register your child, complete the application forms as required and bring copies to the in-person registration.
You can not apply for more that the registration fee but you can apply for both funding programs.

The links will provide the applications and you can bring it to the in-person registration (noted above).